ACAW Presenter - Burcak Bingol
Conversation with Leeza Ahmady
Focus on Cruise (2014), a full frontal section of a delivery truck cast to produce a ceramic series that explores the theme of alienation, history, and craft. Cruise connotes both a physical and mental journey.
3 Movements of the project: 1. Alien-To-Itsef: Alienated daily objects are re-produced into ceramics in Ankara from 2007 to 2010. 2. Unforeseen Transformation: A formal attempt to end the alienation by forcing the objects to relate to each other, bringing the objects together in the same installation space (Istanbul). 3. A Carriage Affair While alienation alters from a personal to social level, it was an urgent necessity to enlarge the objects and break it into its core. Sponsored by Galeri Zilberman.
Please visit here for artist bio.