German artist/designer creates warmth and transforming energy for business spaces

Jan 27, 2017 4:03PM

Petronilla Hohenwarter, artist/designer

At Dr. Heidi Massinger-Biebl’s chemotherapy clinic, Petronilla Hohenwarter creates original artwork and designs the interior office layout providing healing soothing environment for patients.

Mayor Heinz Pollak invest in original works for the Waldkirchen City Hall. The colorful body of works was created by international artist, Petronilla Hohenwarter who’s artist studio is based in Waldkirchen.  The City investment supports local artist and an opportunity for Waldkirchen residents have a culturally rewarding experience when they visit the City Hall office space. 

 Petronilla's work is available on ACS Gallery Artsy page. Contact Renée LaVerné Rose, Art Agent at [email protected] to schedule a private showing of Petronilla’s works at ACS Gallery.