Rebecca Stahr in Her Studio

Feb 20, 2017 2:18PM

Artists in Their Studios is an online archive of contemporary artists in their studios. Curated by Sergio Gomez.

"In the quiet of my studio, I am alone in my thoughts as I begin the process of creating. The repetition is meditative and prayer-like as layer by layer I begin to build the foundation of the artwork. The continual process of adding molten wax, fusing with heat, marking and scraping away stirs an inner dialogue, a spiritual connection, that starts to flow rawly from deep within my soul. I feel as if I am collaborating with my Creator, my hands the conduit of this conversion as the energy is poured out onto the canvas. My soul intuitively knowing what it wants to give and what it needs to receive, and the painting becomes a record of that journey and a path of healing.

For 10+ years, I have been in a growing battle of auto-immune illness, severe fatigue and full-body chronic pain. The pain I live with is unending and can go from a nagging murmur to an unrelenting torment in chaotic unpredictable cycles with no relief. I haven’t been able to find physical healing, but my soul has found a release from the emotional energy that powerfully builds within. Creating makes room for the restoration of my heart to a place centered in hope. My art is wordless yearnings of my soul in prayer as my body cries out for healing."Rebecca Stahr

City: Chicago

  My Beloved. Encaustic Wax Painting. 8×8 Rebecca Stahr Artist 


Published by Artist, Curator, Gallerist and Creative Entrepreneur Sergio Gomez at