Allan Banford
Jun 26, 2014 2:19PM

Challenger roams the dark seas, sending pulses down into the depths of the ocean becoming familiar with it in a journey that has never been made before. Probing our environments, making sense of our surroundings, or just understanding our existence are a few of the challenges of life.

Allan Banford is a contemporary fine artist specialising in Acrylic Figurative paintings focussing on abstract through observing, experiencing, interpreting, storing  and ultimately reflecting life back at the observer. The result he strives for is a unique and original visual experience, capturing the sense of recollection from a unique point of view. His influences are incredibly varied, from classical painters such as Rembrandt and William Turner, to those who embraced the pop side of art, such as Warhol and Mondrian. However, he alludes to Vincent Van Gogh from the Yellow House as his greatest influence.

He uses this plethora of stimuli to create a contemporary style called LACERATION for which he has become known in niche artist networks,  He has also worked as music producer, releasing a single called ‘Essential Element’ for the respected Swedish label SLS Records and was featured in American techno godfather Jeff Mills’ DVD The Exhibitionist. This was followed by a series of notable experiences, including the ‘Best of British’ release on Carl Cox’s label Intec Records.

Allan Banford