The Viewing Room, a speakeasy for art!

Art Collection NYC
Feb 21, 2018 2:06PM

At the Speakeasy for art, John C. Kuchera welcomes you to come in and enjoy the artwork on the walls and to review the inventory of additional artwork on tables in the form of flat artwork and rolled canvases. Whiskey, wine, and water help you get in the mood for relaxing and to start a conversation on the visual arts. Viewings are free, but you need to call and make a reservation. No more than three people at a time are best for this experience. The basic goal of the Viewing Room is to bring awareness to Art Collection NYC and to make new connections with people who like art.

You need to call this number 646-750-6184 to make a reservation.               Location: 257 West 21st Street New York, NY 10011

More information: www.ArtCollection.NYC

Mr. Yonko, 2018
Art Collection NYC
Love me, 2017
Art Collection NYC
Betsy Bell, 2017
Art Collection NYC
Feeling happy, 2017
Art Collection NYC
MaryAnn Kuchera
Steve, 2016
Art Collection NYC
MaryAnn Kuchera
Flower, 2016
Art Collection NYC
John Kuchera
Millwork, 2002
Art Collection NYC
J. Doe
Andy, 2017
Art Collection NYC
J. Doe
Kim and I, 2017
Art Collection NYC
Jack Michael O'Donoghue
Blue lady, 2017
Art Collection NYC
Wayne Lucina
Arrive innocent, leave guilty, 2016
Art Collection NYC
Greta Watson
Cat, 2017
Art Collection NYC
Dana Ellyn
Drink, 2017
Art Collection NYC
Wayne Lucina
Arrive innocent, leave guilty, 2016
Art Collection NYC
Mr. Yonko, 2018
Art Collection NYC
MaryAnn Kuchera
Steve, 2016
Art Collection NYC
Jack Michael O'Donoghue
Blue lady, 2017
Art Collection NYC
MaryAnn Kuchera
Flower, 2016
Art Collection NYC
Art Collection NYC