Cameron: Songs for the Witch Woman
up! I have surpassed the tomb you dreamed for me,' declared Cameron in
1956. An exhortation to her deceased husband, rocket scientist and
occultist Jack Parsons (1914–1952), Cameron's prose implied a spiritual
breakthrough and a fearless resolve to continue on the magical path
Parsons had introduced to her in 1946. Originally published in Wallace
Berman's avant-garde art journal Semina, today Cameron's words
resonate not only as mystical poetry, but as a shot across the bow of
time: that her art not be buried with her body, that we see her art
undead and always alive." Excerpt from Yael Lipschutz' text and Autumn (1955) are reproduced from Cameron: Songs for the Witch Woman, one of the featured Semina-related titles in our store this week at the LAABF.