where in the world is the art dealer's daughter?

art dealer's daughter
Oct 13, 2013 2:28PM

i first encountered the work of awol erizku when i read about him in hilary harkness's blog, seeing the FLAG art foundation through the trees .  but, still i only knew him as photographer - able to transform an urban landscape into a totemic site of inquiry while reminding me of childhood games of king of the hill played to the soundtrack of abc's 'coolin at the playground, ya know!'  that was the first cd that i ever bought.  

thanks to awol's curatorial effort at the FLAG - 'images of venus from wayne lawrence's orchard beach:  the bronx riviera,' childhood is once again on my mind.

more 40 acres and an in-ground pool than bronx riviera,  i could still see something of my childhood in lawrence's arresting subjects, particularly the images of fathers and daughters. 

when we weren't at museums, the art dealer took me to the beach, or down the shore, depending on whether we were on martha's vineyard or in jersey.  not only did he take me there, we went in the water.  and swam.  because we could. because we enjoyed it.  because it was part of being a family.  a black family.  in america.  something that i took for granted, even after realizing that my non-black friends - well-heeled, but not always as well-exposed, saw us as something as an exception - a present father, aquatic abilities - who did we think we were, the huxtables?  

i don't think we thought we were anybody but who we were. 

and that's what comes across so strongly in lawrence's work. these are subjects who aren't trying too hard, aren't getting bogged down in the what of it all.  they're at the beach.  to swim.  to enjoy their families.  in america.

so, awol - bravo.  through your curation, you have moved into creating another viewing space where this viewer was captivated, confronted, and cheered.  

and childhood.  my childhood.  is still on my mind.  

images from top to bottom:

two photographs of photographs by wayne lawrence

wayne lawrence, hilary harkness, rebecca streiman

disclaimer:  as always, the views expressed here are those of the art dealer's daughter and hers alone.

art dealer's daughter