MARY WEATHERFORD: 2014 Recipient of Artist Award
Mary Weatherford, Coney Island, 2012, Flashe and neon on linen, 103 x 83 inches. Courtesy of Brennan & Griffin, New York, and David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles. Photography: Robert Wedemeyer.
Mary Weatherford is noted for her emotionally charged and atmospheric Flashe on linen works that incorporate neon lighting tubes, letting, as Christopher Knight of The Los Angeles Times remarked, "the draped electrical cords essential to powering their glowing artificial light become an integral part of the composition." Her transcendental works, painted in deep, rich expanses of color, are encounters of mortality and morality—the "serious stuff", she has said—and invoke the silken, soft draping strategies of the late innovator Eva Hesse and the glowing, sparse post-minimalism of light sculptor Keith Sonnier.