
The Artsy Podcast, No. 23: What Does It Mean to Curate GIFs?

Artsy Editorial
Jan 26, 2017 9:30PM

Artsy’s team of editors takes you behind the scenes of the best stories in art.

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Artists are turning to GIFs as a new medium, and people are taking notice, with some of their creations being viewed more than 100 million times. On this episode, GIPHY’s community curator Ari Spool joins us to break down the process of curating artist-created GIFs. We ask: Is there a key to going viral? What do GIFs allow us to express that words might not? And how do these online images fit into centuries of fine art?

This podcast is hosted by Artsy Associate Editor Isaac Kaplan, joined for this edition by Staff Writer Alexxa Gotthardt and GIPHY’s community curator Ari Spool. It was produced by Editorial Associate Abigail Cain.

Intro music: “Something Elated” by Broke For Free
Cover image: GIF by LAZY MOM and EyeBodega. Courtesy of GIPHY.

Artsy Editorial