Works to Buy this Halloween

Artsy Specialist
Oct 23, 2017 7:31PM

This Halloween, get inspired by the ghosts and gremlins of art history. You’ll find artists in costumes, monsters in art, and paintings that are just spooky enough for your living room walls.

You can buy these artworks—or simply learn more about them—by messaging the representing galleries through Artsy. If you have any questions along the way, you can also contact our team of specialists at [email protected].

Artists in Disguise

From Orlan to Cindy Sherman, many contemporary artists have masked their identities through costume and camouflage.

Facing design n°6 avec salto en réalité augmentée, 2014
Michel Rein Paris/Brussels

Monsters in Art

Vampires, zombies, aliens, and beasts have all haunted art history, inspiring Andy Warhol, Edvard Munch, and other visionaries to design their own imaginary creatures.

Andy Warhol
Dracula from "Myths" portfolio, 1980
Ronald Feldman Fine Arts

Contemporary Gothic

These artists get captivated by darkness—and turn trends from gothic music and horror films into spell-binding paintings and sculptures.

Artsy Specialist