You can meet Ari Lankin and bid on his work at the live auction on June 5th! Go to and purchase your tickets today!

ArtWorks ADL NY
May 24, 2013 2:00PM

Ari Lankin collaborates in a wide variety of projects, including design, apparel, film, performance, curation, and street art.  His most notable collaborations are that he designed a shoe for Adidas and he assisted Tino Sehgal during his solo show at the Guggenheim. ADL's Centennial theme Imagine a World Without Hate is central to Ari's life: "This theme is right in tune with how I live my life. I try to see everyone as equals and spread vibes of love. A world without hate starts with the positive actions of individuals. When these individuals come together a synergistic energy that annihilates hate ripples through the universe. I hope my actions and gestures help perpetuate an environment of total equality and peace."

ArtWorks ADL NY