About the Commissioners: Sarita Vujković, Irfan Hošić

Bosnia & Herzegovina Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale
May 23, 2013 9:00PM
Sarita Vujković:

Born in Banja Luka in 1972. Holds a degree in the history of art from The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. In 2008, she completed an interdisciplinary postgraduate course in the theory of art and media at The University of Arts in Belgrade, winning a master’s degree. In 2011, she defended a doctoral dissertation entitled “Ideological, Aesthetic and Art Models in the Artworks of Bosnian and Herzegovinian Female Artists from 1945 until 2005” at The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Works at The Museum of Contemporary Art Republic of Srpska as a Museum Consultant in the Records and Exhibition Department. Author, curator and selector in a number of projects on contemporary art, media and gender. Author of professional and academic papers in the fields of museology, gender theory and contemporary art. Author of the books In the Civic Mirror: Female Identities in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Civic Culture 1878–1941, MSURS, Banja Luka, 2009; and together with Bojana Pejić “Mirostories: Contemporary female art and its post-2000 contexts”, MSURS, Banjaluka, 2012. Professor at The Faculty of Information Technology and Design Banja Luka. President of the ICOM National Committee Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Irfan Hošić:

Born in Bihać in 1977. Holds a bachelor’s degree from The Academy of Arts in Sarajevo and a master’s and doctoral degrees from The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Department of History of Art. Currently teaches a group of subjects in the field of humanities at the Department of Textile Design of The Technical Faculty of Bihać University (Art History; History of Textile and Clothing; Sociology of Culture and Fashion). His research interests include contemporary art, architecture and clothing in conflict contexts, with a special focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina. Apart from academic work and research, author of a number of art reviews and texts published in magazines in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. From 2010 to 2012, Irfan Hošić wrote art reviews and texts for the Sarajevo weekly DANI, one of which won him the BIRN Award (Belgrade, Serbia). Curator and author of several curatorial projects. As an assistent curator he was part of the second cycle of Biennale of contemporary art D-0 ARK Underground in Konjic.

Images courtesy La Biennale BIH.

Bosnia & Herzegovina Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale