HOW TO: How Do I Find Art Under $1,000?

Artsy Collecting
Apr 24, 2013 3:05PM

Artsy is an essential tool for finding artwork to suit any taste, budget, and collection. There are many entry-points into the site that allow you to explore and discover all of the world's art online. One that often gets overlooked is the browse by price function. It’s a terrific feature that proves that you can start a great collection on a very modest budget. Today, there are over 800 works on the site for under $1,000, and here’s how to find them:

1) Select FILTER

Choose the filter tab on the top navigation bar to instantly search Artsy’s database of nearly 30,000 works (and growing) by price, medium, size, or even color.


On the left-hand side there is a sliding bar that enables users to toggle and specify the price range. Drag it to 0–$1,000 and the search results will adjust automatically. Once you start searching by price, only available works are suggested and the "Only Works For Sale" checkbox is automatically selected.

3) Browse Subsets

Once the price filter is specified you can further narrow your search and browse by medium, size or color of the work, all under $1,000.

Looking for a black-and-white photograph under $1,000? Easy! Today, Artsy has over 70 options. Willing to spend a bit more? Artsy has almost 300 works that match that criteria for under $5,000.

Artsy Collecting