Contemporary Istanbul
Oct 10, 2013 6:37PM

New Horizons, a section of Contemporary Istanbul which offers an annual focus of contemporary art from a selected geographic region will this year put a spotlight on Russia. The New Horizons section explores contemporary artistic expression of surrounding countries of the region. Having previously featured contemporary art from Syria, Iran, the Gulf and Central and Eastern Europe, the 8th edition’s focus is on Russia, hosting galleries, artists, curators, publications, art critics and collectors from Russia. Participating galleries including Al Gallery (St Petersburg), pop/off/art (Moscow), Marina Gisich (St Petersburg), Anna Nova (St Petersburg), Art re.Flex gallery (St Petersburg), Galerie Iragui (Moscow), AL Gallery (St Petersburg) will present works by contemporary Russian artists in Istanbul Congress Center part of the fair. 

Popoffart gallery Moscow Berlin, Olga Tatarintseva,The Shape of Sound, 2010, 58 x 370 x 46 cm 

Anna Nova Art Gallery Moscow, Alexander Dashevskiy, From the seria “Partial losses", 2013, 120 x 120 cm

Contemporary Istanbul