Artist Statement | Cecily Culver
Sidewalk Empire Sunset Select: Works by Dedalus Foundation MFA Fellows Cecily Culver & Isla Hansen
Culver's recent works are part of an ongoing exploration into the agentive role of the overlooked minutia of the everyday and also the impossibility of grasping the experience of a non-human thing. These foreign entities persist with or without an audience and actively shape not only our reality but, ecology and yet recede from our full comprehension.
“The key, the inner formula of a mango, a willow tree or a flat smooth stone, is never grasped; the real thing is before our perception as a task for exploration. But the real thing is not the sum of all that we have recorded of it; it closes in upon itself, remains exterior, always beyond all that our perceptual samplings have turned up of it, not a given but an external ordinance.” - Alphonso Lingis
These quotidian moments are the outcome of a refocusing of attention and a somewhat futile ontological exploration into a life closer to the ground. Specific moments of urban banality are recreated as mysterious samplings and urge consideration of these lively things as active players in this world.
Street Swell, 2016
Concrete, foam, plaster, chicken wire, hypertufa, plexiglass, varnish, paint, and flat screen television with recorded video.
102 x 70 x 9 inches
Palm Creep, 2015
Concrete, foam, chicken wire, steel, and mechanized palm frond.
13 x 26 x 5.5 inches
2nd Ave Manhole, 2016
Concrete, foam, chicken wire, mylar, paint, Tft screens, recorded video, and audio system with audio recorded from 2nd Avenue in Sunset Park.
65 x 54 x 9 inches
Exhibition on view June 16 - July 17
The Gallery at Industry City
274 36th Street, Brooklyn, NY