Breathing Geometry | Horváth Lóczi Judit
It is questionable whether we can identify a starting point, a particular time to estimate the beginning of an artistic career. Looking back, it is difficult to draw the start-line. It is especially difficult if we speak of a highly productive and colourful personality like Judit Loczi, whose most decisive features are the drive for planning, creation, building and the constant revival.
If we stay within the institutional framework, Judit Loczi started her studies with environment planning, and later she went on with applied graphic design, colour dynamics and art management. Theory and practice, applied studies and autonomous art practices varied, oppositional areas, different perspectives with one thing in common: each one is connected to creation.
'New Era' Horváth Lóczi Judit / Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest
Besides her education, Judit’s vision was influenced by several personal factors, out of which jogging is the constant driving force. Jogging follows Judit’s career all along, and it means not only a visual inspiration for her, but it gives her a kind of meditational methodology pattern. It requires stamina, self-discipline, and inner focus, it helps to fresh up the whole body, smooth the mind, and it keeps in the presence. Another factor is motherhood. The sources of art creation are rather limited for a mother. After giving birth to her children, time became a complete, new concept for Judit. Time devoted to art became more fragmented than it used to be, so each work required a more focus and concentration. Despite all of this, motherhood did not restrict her inspiration, it helped her to reveal a more purified and focused artistic energy.
The parent role re-evaluates not only our time concept, but makes us re-think what we consider important. The conditions of the pure biological existence are manifested as dramatically in front of the new mother as never before. This can rewrite the order of importance, but one thing is certain: we cannot deceive our inner voice that gives the order of this importance. This experience is manifested in a series of lyrical art pieces by Judit Loczi “NEW ERA”.
'New Era' Horváth Lóczi Judit / Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest
'New Era' Horváth Lóczi Judit / Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest
The first matured art series of this exhibition is manifested in a series called Maslow, inspired by the visual image of the Maslow pyramid and the transparent factuality of human needs. The precisely structured elements, lines and grids symbolize the physical world, referring to the rationality of the math graphs stabile, unshakeable, stabile base, in the middle of this there is always the triangle with its sacral notions.
Circles Around Me and Weaker series start from the same frame-like, broken base, but each gives a new, different interpretation to the form to be taken in. The framed space by the formatted canvas is of organic part of the art works. It is without material, but not empty, it is full with information, that is perceived by means of the neon shades upon the walls and which can be seen by reflex light. It is like aura; it is inseparable from body it changes constantly.
'New Era' Horváth Lóczi Judit / Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest
The starting point of the works Precious Time is the fading moment, the endless nature of it is depicted by the complex spatiality of the objects. These new works bravely step into the third dimension, and they invade the exhibition instantly, like adaptive organic items live on the ground, leaning over the wall, or pined on the edge of a postament.
Exhibition open: March 22, 2018 - April 25, 2018