About the Curators: Gruppo 111

Finnish Pavilion At the 55th Venice Biennale
May 21, 2013 7:31PM

Mika Elo, Marko Karo and Harri Laakso are the curators behind Falling Trees, which combines the solo exhibitions of Finnish artists Terike Haapoja and Antti Laitinen into a garden-like whole that takes over both the Nordic Pavilion and the Finnish Alvar Aalto Pavilion.

Harri Laakso is professor of visual culture and art at Aalto University, School of Art and Design, Department of Art and Media Pori. He is the leader of Figures of Touch, a 4-year research project. Laakso's interests are in photography theory, curatorial practice and in issues dealing with artistic research. 

Mika Elo is postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in visual culture at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki. His research interests include theory of photographic media, philosophical media theory and epistemology of artistic research. He is the author of Valokuvan medium/The Medium of Photography (2005) and one of the main organizers of Helsinki Photomedia conference series.

Marko Karo is a researcher at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki. Karo focuses on photography, aesthetics, and visual culture. He received his MA degree from University of London in 2002. 

Photographs by Veera Laakso. Copyright © Mika Elo.

Finnish Pavilion At the 55th Venice Biennale