Summer Exhibitions at Galerie Benjamin Eck Delve into Light and Space

Feb 26, 2018 10:00PM
Katharina Lehmann
White Strings / Diptych, 2017

The artist Emanuel Mooner transforms remains, remnants and scrap into works of art. On the other hand, the artist Volker Behrend Peters places light in the focus of his work. To create her sculptural pieces, Katharina Lehmann uses the unique Thread-Drip painting technique consisted of countless threads intersecting and intertwining to form a network, an organic environment. Working with steel, the artist Jürgen Heinz creates Moving Sculptures that transcend the insurmountable contrast between archaic, heavy steel and gentle movement. The work of these four artists is featured in two separate exhibitions at the Galerie Benjamin Eck. Titled Wax & Light, the exhibition features Objets Trouvé by Emanuel Mooner consisted of neon tubes and deformed car body parts of accident vehicles and Volker Behrend Peters’ delicate and fragile work consisting of paraffin layers. On the other hand, the exhibitionThe Space Within deals withthe construction of reality through works of  Katharina Lehmann and Jürgen Heinz.

Volker Behrend Peters
O. T., 2017

Wax And Light

Neon tubes, which once adorned decal plaques, and deformed car body parts that Emanuel Mooner uses for his sculptures can no longer be assigned to their original purpose, but their spontaneous form is intended in the combination. The bright neon tubes remind the viewer of their original purpose, while at the same time changing perception and leaving new forms and structures behind the light. The work of Volker Behrend Petersbreaks the light in its transparent structure. Building waxy ramifications with a brush, the artist creates shapes and patterns by varying the pressure and the direction. The more light falls on these structures, they appear more dense and almost white.

Emanuel Mooner
Volker Behrend Peters
O.T., 2016

The Space Within

The exhibition The Space Within deals with reality and veritableness as abstract concepts that represent the interior of a group, a society. The artist Katharina Lehmann takes up this construction of reality in her objects. Creating organic structures with thread and acrylic paint, she introduces the natural, chaotic element in form of coincidental connections and incidents that shape our reality and perception. On the other hand, Jürgen Heinz abstracts reality and veritableness a bit further, destroying the expectations on his material, the steel. From this material, the artist creates movable, futuristic sculptures that change space by their mere presence.

Katharina Lehmann
Conformity II , 2016

Summer Exhibitions at Galerie Benjamin Eck

While the pieces by Mooner have an industrial appearance in which the form of no function can be assigned, the filigree, almost sculpture-like works by Peters, spark new ideas and perspectives in the recipient’s mind, giving space for individual interpretation. While Lehmann attempts to bring order into chaos and force reality into a grid, Heinz keeps the steady state of orderly chaos from which we form our reality. Therefore,The Space Within is ultimately the space in ourselves. While the exhibition Wax & Light will be on view at Galerie Benjamin Eck I in Munich until September 16th, 2017,  the exhibition The Space Withinwill be hosted at Galerie Benjamin Eck II until September 2nd, 2017.