Green . Ganesha BoBo acrylic on canvas. 34x58 .2014
Greg Green
Artist's Statement Excitement is followed and mostly chased with some desperation in the working of a new picture; I have some idea, nothing is totally drawn from the subconscious. I do have an education and personal taste is also involved. I love expressionism and constantly play with paint and its properties and limitations. Formalism is important in itself, but the paintings have subject matter such as history, pain, sex or quiet, even though I may not always recognize it at first. I walk a fine line between the empirical and the unseen, a glimpse of a timeless presence. The eternal. The paintings aren’t to decorate. They are poems to snap us out of our mundane sleep or to flow with our natural rhythm. Something true is recognized. I think so.
Greg Green 2013
Gallery13. 811 LaSalle Ave. Minneapolis MN 55402
651-592-5503.I [email protected] I