Marija Milin: Contemporary Ceramics

Gara Perun Gallery
Jun 1, 2018 1:31PM

Gallery Gara Perun – inauguration of the exhibition – on the view from 07 June through 30 June

Marija Milin: Contemporary Ceramics

Zurich, Switzerland, 07 June 2018 – Gallery Gara Perun is pleased to present the works of Maria Milin, on view for the first time at Zurich, Switzerland. The inauguration of the exhibition will take place at Gara Perun Gallery, on Thursday 07 June from 06 till 09 PM. The works of Marija Milin will be on the view until 30 June.

In her work Marija Milin is reviving one of the oldest techniques in art – ceramics, whose earliest traces are located in the archaeological site of Vinča, Serbia. Marija is creating the artwork by using stoneware: ceramics baked on high temperatures together with oxide metal and glaze. She shapes her works by hand using different types of clay. This enables the alternation of playfulness and calmness, which is one of the main characteristics of her work. The forms are inspired by nature, sometimes usable, while the other times they are carried from vessel to sculpture. Her works are result of a research that begun during her studies at department for ceramics at the Faculty of Applied Arts. Technique and materials are common for all the works. Combinations with color is specificity of clay Marija is using. Unevenly defused color in the process of shaping the dishes influences the creation of spiral ornaments in the different shades of black, brown, red and blue on white base.

Marija Milin was born in 1978 in Belgrade. She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, department for ceramics in Belgrade in 2002. From then she had several solo exhibitions in Serbia and Australia, and she was also part of three art colonies organized in Serbia.

Gara Perun Gallery