Open House
My choices are:
1. Pilgrim 1960
2. Sor Aqua (Venetian) 1973
3. The Ancient Incident (Kabal American Zephyr) 1981
4. Untitled (Kabal American Zephyr) 1983
5. Tibetan Garden Song/ ROCI TIBET 1986
6. Streaker 1997
7. Untitled (Glass Broom) 1997
Title: Open House
Take a look into Robert Rauschenberg's life and see his open house! This gallery features items around the house transformed into beautiful works of art. Four of the pieces include a chair in them. This implies the feeling of resting or relaxation. To go along with this feeling of relaxation we also see a piece featuring a bath tub. Who doesn't like a nice, warm, relaxing bath every now and then? I bet you are wondering why the glass broom is included in this viewing if the feeling we want is "relaxation." The reasoning is because the broom is no ordinary broom, it is made entirely of glass. This is still an around the house item so it goes with the theme. The glass broom also symbolizes that the broom is incapable of being used, therefore there is no work going on, just complete relaxation. I also included a musical instrument to go with the other objects. This item implies the most relaxable feeling in my opinion. The soft sound of the strings being played is more than enough to relax you! Together all of these pieces make up the "Open House" and all work together to help you relax and enjoy some beautiful art work!