Mystery Beyond What We Know
One of the most upsetting truths about the world is that not one single person will ever fully know or understand every person in the world. With the insignificant handful of those we do know, we believe that all knowledge is there in front of us, when in fact that is a complete lie. So how can we possibly understand? How can we imagine ourselves in another life, in someone else's shoes? Photographs. They are the realist source we have that allows us to picture what another world can be. I chose these 15 images for my exhibition because I felt that these portraits give us a taste to what it's like somewhere we've never been and someone we've never met. The mystery of what each subjects story is, thinking beyond what we only see on the surface. These black and white images all reflect a life in which we would have not thought twice about until it was put in front of us. I believe that they all compliment each other perfectly and never fail to keep our mind wondering what's beyond what we know in front of us.