Latitude: Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad | Frieze 2013

Latitude Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad
Oct 11, 2013 5:08PM

Frieze 2013 is upon us and everyone is look forward to seeing what 152 of the world’s leading contemporary galleries will bring to the Fair’s 11th edition. With the strongest ever representation of South American galleries at this year’s Frieze London and Frieze Masters, Brazilian art is one of the hottest topics of the week. Latitude: Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad is delighted to announce that six Brazilian galleries will participate in Frieze London, some of which will make their debut appearance at this year’s show. Four additional member galleries will display works at Frieze Masters

For Frieze London 2013, highlights include Galeria Fortes Vilaça’s presentation of conceptual minimalist work by Iran do Espírito Santo alongside work by José Damasceno. Both artists often utilise unorthodox materials and abstracted everyday items within their practices. Galeria Fortes Vilaça will also present the rigorous photographic compositions of Mauro Restiffe. A Gentil Carioca will present installation works by some of the pioneers of contemporary art in Brazil, Helio Oiticica, Cabelo and Neville D’Almeida. Work by 2013 Absolut Art Award winner, Renata Lucas, Mexican artist Pedro Reye, and Art Review’s October issue cover artist Fernanda Gomes will be shown by Galeria Luisa Strina. Galeria Vermelho will be showcasing works by Dora Longo Bahia and Odires Mlászho who presented work for the Brazilian Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale 2013. Galeria Vermelho will also exhibit reflective installation sculptures by Marilá Dardot within the Frieze Sculpture Garden. Within the Focus sector, works by Catalonian artist DanielSteegmann Mangrané will be showcased by Mendes WoodDMand Galeria Jaqueline Martins will display a solo presentation of the work by Genilson Soares within the Frame exhibitor sector. Galeria Jaqueline Martins will make its debut at Frieze this year.


Within the Spotlight sector at Frieze Masters, stand highlights include the intricate wood cuts and etchings by Anna Mario Maiolino which will be shown by Galeria Millan, works by Rubem Valentim to be displayed by Berenice Arvani and Luciana BritoGaleria will exhibit works by the Argentinean artist Liliana Porter. Galeria Nara Roesler will be showcasing photographic works by Julio Le Parc­­­­­. 

Latitude Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad