MONKEY SEE Art Exhibition

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Oct 31, 2014 3:21AM

Monkey See at Tabla Rasa GalleryCurated by Lorene Taurerewa

Wednesday, November 5 – Saturday, December 13, 2014

Opening ReceptionWednesday, November 5, 20146:00 – 8:30 pm

Gallery hours: 1:00 – 5:00 pmTHURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAYCall 718.833.9100 for events and schedule updates.

TABLA RASA GALLERY224 48 Street (between 2nd & 3rd Avenues)Brooklyn, NY 11220718. 833-9100

Painting the image is like the dogged, dumb laying of a railway-track back to a prairie ghost town, trying to connect the everyday story of human life to an intimation of its meaning. When a painting contains a recognizable image, its connection to meaning is forged by both the artist’s imagination and a viewer’s recognition; they each decide to agree on a path, across a landscape that is in fact flung far, not just in every direction but in every dimension. Aiming for this ghost town, each of the parties to the task lays their tracks, from opposite horizons; across their different terrains of different backgrounds and understandings, measuring the ground with different numbers, driving their spikes with a warm breath and a beating heart. When in the end the junction is reached, it is with each other, with the past, and in the knowledge that the whole rest of the wide landscape is misconnection and misunderstanding.

- Warwick McLeod

The five artists are:

Matthew Couper lives and works in Las Vegas. He employs a diversity of media, genres of art history, and the spirit of satire to examine identity at the crossroads of culture, politics, myth, and religion.

Based in Brooklyn, New York, Lorene Taurerewa has exhibited in museums and private and public art galleries. Her latest series of paintings are about individuals who are loners and antiheroes as well as framed, role-cast. They are agents of a kind of justice.

Robert McLeod was born and raised in Scotland, and studied Painting at Glasgow School of Art. His work is held in collections in many different countries, and is exhibited regularly in galleries and museums internationally. His painting features cartoon-like imagery with a dark-edged theme.

Mason Saltarrelli currently lives and works in New York. His works on paper are dynamic narratives that utilize religious, tribal and personal symbologies to relay abstract contexts in life.

Warwick McLeod studied painting at Massachusetts College of Art, and Yale University. A painter, sculptor and printmaker, he lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. He paints allegorical stories set in psychological landscapes