Cuntinual Beauty... In Feminine Sensibility and Nature
Vulgar in its description of the female genitals is the term “cunt”. Historically it was only used as a synonym for the vagina but has evolved into a derogatory phrase used to disrespect women. Feminine sensibility is a concept that emerged in the Enlightenment Era and continued to be defined in the Romantic Period. It describes the level to which women are affected by the world around them. When contrasting these two opposing concepts, that deal directly with women, this exhibition would seek to evoke the shame that comes when a woman is publicly called the "c" word, while unveiling the true emotional beauty in the meaning of a term that should edify them.
By finding the nuance in two, I wanted to create a collection that would work together to tell a story. Looking at the female anatomy, the labia majora are the two rounded folds on the outside of the female genitalia. Beginning with Rauschenberg's "Quiet House-Black Mountain", the empty chairs in this piece represent having an open mind, while the light shining into the room is representative of being enlightened to the feminine sensibility.
Each work chosen in this collection explores the female body, sensuality, beauty, and the most virtuous aspect of a woman... her vagina. In Judy Chicago’s "Female Rejection Drawing from Rejection Quintet", 1974, she depicts a colorful image that incorporates autobiographical text that details her struggle to be accepted as a serious artist in a male dominated field. While integrating Robert Rauschenberg’s "Persimmon", 1964 the exhibition softens and becomes more in touch with the sensibility of the modern female. With works that push the bounds of comfort and understanding, I found pieces that are cohesive in femininity and fuse vulgarity and beauty. Other artists included are: Carrie Mae Weems, Alfred Stieglitz, Salvador Dalí, and more.