Nazmiyal's Collection of Aboul Ghasem Kermani Antique Rugs

Nazmiyal Collection
Dec 29, 2014 4:47PM

Aboul Ghasem Kermani Known as the master of masters, Aboul Ghasem Kermani (circa 1880-1900) is one of the most prestigious names associated with carpet weaving in Persia and Kerman. This versatile master weaver is known for his cosmopolitan designs woven in wool and silk, which include boteh motifs, pictorial images, dense floral patterns, extravagant borders and rose medallions borrowed from other carpet producing regions. Carpets designed by Aboul Ghasem Kermani’s embody many of the expressive colors and designs associated with the Kerman region and the revivalist movement that occurred before the turn of the 20th century.

Click here to see our complete collection of Aboul Ghasem Kermani Antique Rugs.

Nazmiyal Collection