About the Commission: “Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More”

Polish Pavilion at the 55TH Venice Biennale
May 24, 2013 9:56PM

“The exposition is made up of three elements. The first are two bells which were made in the bronze workshop of the Kruszewski brothers in Węgrów—with my input. They are the source of all events taking place within the exposition. Their sound will be processed, then reproduced through another element of the exhibition—two walls of speakers. The sound emitted from the speakers will then have a completely new character because I tried to minimise the tone of reverberation and have it end up as a constant stream of sound, a wave. This physical dimension of sound will be transferred onto objects in the vicinity and lead to a third element, which will be two walls of storage cabinets. This impact gives the effect of a resonance, which can be compared to the waves made when dropping a stone into water.”

Konrad Smoleński, on his commission, Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More

Image credit: Production of the exhibition Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More, 2013, photo by Bartosz Górka, CC BY-SA.

Polish Pavilion at the 55TH Venice Biennale