Walk Beside Me
Walk Beside Me
by Rafael Salazar Artist from Colombia
Copyright 2013 - All rights reserved
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.- Albert Camus
Friendship is one of Life's most cherished and valued relationships.
This conceptual artwork by Rafael Salazar is a tribute to Friendship.
To All the Friends I have - Bonds made in my Childhood and Adolescence, my Treasure.
Though we may not see each other all the time, our lives are intertwined in the path thru life from the very first moment we became Friends.
Friends forever thru thick and thin.
At times a stronger bond than Marriage.
Someone we can always count on. Someone who lends an ear to our happiness, sorrows and life tribulations.
Always there for us - No Matter What!
Not an easy task to make Friends - True Friends, that is.
In an era of Social Media we think we have lots of Friends in all the Followers we happen to be lucky to get, specially if we have a Digital Public Relations Manager who knows how to do his job.
But to Acquire, Keep and Maintain True Friendships is an Art that can fulfill our lives in unknown ways, hopefully lasting into our golden years, when all else may or may not be here.
To all those Friends I have made through out my Life -
Thanks for the Memories and Thanks for Being There for me and my Family.
Cheers to LIFE!