My Highlights from Moving Image Istanbul 2014
The works I have
selected share a common characteristic—inspiring open spaces for new views and
thoughts. They also all have graphic, drawing-like dimensions, and soundtracks
that interested me.
My Selection:
Mounir Fatmi, Technologia, 2010, at Analix Forever
This work immediately attracted me because it differentiates from the typical viewing experience, opening up a new space. Being unfamiliar with Arabic ornaments, this brings in another interesting aspect. It reminds me of early Len Lye works—the rapid change of the single drawings remind me of strobe lights, thus increasing attention. I am also reminded of an earlier Carsten Nicolai work, Rota (2009).
Rob Carter, Sun City, 2013, at Morgan Lehman Gallery
Works regarding architectural history interest me. The combination of photo material and collage-like animation, symbols, abstraction, and reality in this work form a narrative. There are environmental and architectural aspects, but also an enjoyable, surprising story.
Allard Van Hoorn, 001 Urban Songline Latitude: 51.44768° N - 51.44729° N / Longitude: 5.45609° E - 5.45529° E, 2009, at Galerie Esther Donatz
Works about abandoned places have an important place in my collection. Therefore, I was immediately interested in this work. Starting with an outside shot of the building, then transitioning to reveal its emptiness inside brings up thoughts about its possible history. The skater’s choreography—drawing lines with his board and leaving a trace on the ground—brings the space new life. The changing perspectives and the soundtrack—which is very strong and could stand as a soundpiece on its own—create a special rhythm.
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