STUDY - Studying Artists (2011.7.27 - 9.2)
Savina Museum of Contemporary Art holds the exhibition [STUDY] to offer audiences the opportunities to reconsider "the authenticity of art" and artists' sincere attitude and spirit through this exhibition.
What's more, as the exhibition talks about analogue life style that need artists lots of time and efforts and artists' truthful attitude studying one theme related to their work, viewers can deeply consider light and easygoing digital life styles of people these days.
Kim Myung Sook
Artist Kim Mung Sook has studied the theme such as 'labor, spirit, nature of rural area, and its beauty' that are seen in Millet(Millet Jean Francois)'s painting. 'Winnowing' seen in the painting means 'improving human's mind' in Buddhism, and in her three painting, the behavior of labor are shining brightly through 'Winnowing'.
Park Hye Soo
Artist Park Hye Soo has studied 'unrevealed psychology of humans' and 'the relationship and communication between people' through numerous dialogue between people in various fields and her.
Yang Dae Won
Artist Yang Dae Won talks about himself and others, and feelings and situation that people thesedays go through by virtual character "Dongle-in" in his painting.'Tears' in his painting means his unconfortable feeling and situation when he observes unreasonable social phenomanon and relationship between humans.
Chung Hyun
Artist Jung Hyun has discovered abandoned materials like sleeper or concrete and studied the nature of materials. Artists made 'human' by sleeper which has endured train's weight for decades, and reflect humans overcoming tough time into the structures he made.
Kho Nak Beom
Artist Kho Nak Beom has studied colors which is tools of delivering his ideas in his painting. Artists has started these works when he became interested in the composition of red, yellow, and blue that are seen in the geometric abstract painting of Piet Mondrian. He has also studied the energy and world inside of colors.