Angels, Demons and Savages at the Phillips Collection

Mar 27, 2013 8:04PM

By Ted Loos 

When I was in Washington, D.C. the other day, I checked in at that beloved small museum, The Phillips Collection. Any institution with lots of works by Arthur Dove and Milton Avery is top of the list for me, as those are two of my all-time favorite artists. But the Phillips, partly housed in a formidable red-brick mansion, also has a thought-provoking new show called “Angels, Demons and Savages: Pollock, Ossorio, Dubuffet.” It’s on view until May 12, and then in July it moves to the Parrish Art Museum in Southampton.
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Ted Loos writes on wine, art and architecture for a variety of publications, including The New York Times, Vogue and You can follow him on Twitter at @LoosLips.
