Swiss Institute Benefit 2014 - Save the Date

Swiss Institute
Aug 5, 2014 3:57PM

Annual Benefit Dinner & Auction
Monday, December 1, 2014
6 – 11 pm

Cocktails and Silent Auction 6pm
Dinner at 7:30pm
Followed by Live Auction 9:30pm

Live Auction and DJ set by Simon de Pury


SI Honoree 2014
Ursula Hauser

SI Special Tribute 2014
Matthias Brunner 

SI Artist Tribute 2014
Valentin Carron 

At Swiss Institute 18 Wooster Street, NYC

For more information on the Benefit & Auction contact benefit(at)swissinstitute(dot)net.

Click here more information about tickets. 

Image captions:
(1) Philip de Pury conducting the auction at the SI Benefit 2013.
(2) Attendees place their bid during the auction at SI Benefit 2013.
(3) Artist Richard Phillips speaking at the SI Benefit 2013.
(4) Attendees at the SI Benefit 2013.
(5)Philip de Pury conducting the auction at the SI Benefit 2013.

Swiss Institute