Tanya Baxter Contemporary at The Art & Antiques Fair Olympia

Tanya Baxter Contemporary
Oct 21, 2017 12:01PM

31 October - 5 November 2017, Olympia London, Hammersmith Road, W14 8UX

For more information and complimentary tickets please contact: [email protected]; 020 7351 1367; 07961 360 407

Francis Bacon - Triptych 1972

This year at the Olympia Fine Art & Antiques Fair Tanya Baxter Contemporary is featuring a collection of Modern British Masters including two Francis Bacon Triptychs: ‘Triptych 1972’ lithograph, the original of which is featured in the Tate Collection, and ‘Second Version, Triptych 1944’, a very rare, large sized EA lithograph, and two stunning original John Hoyland paintings, ’15.2.69’ and ‘Loving Lady’, both prime examples of different periods of the artist’s career.  Also featured are several works by modern and contemporary British masters such as Tracey Emin, Adrian Heath, Bridget Riley, Lynn Chadwick and Damien Hirst, along with works by established contemporary Chinese masters Zeng Chuanxing and Zhao Kailin.

Francis Bacon - Triptych 1983

Francis Bacon - Study for a Portrait of Pope Innocent X

John Hoyland - 15.2.69

Adrian Heath - Blaina

Egon Schiele - Female Model, Seated

Gustav Klimt - Female Nude Seated

Pip Todd-Warmoth - Cricket Match at Emanuel

Sacha Jafri - Through the Rushes II

Zeng Chuanxing - Red Paper Bride

Tanya Baxter Contemporary