"Water is Our Life" Yoko Komori Olson Solo Exhibition
"Water is Our Life" is an exhibition of works by Yoko Komori Olson. Her paintings reflect her concern for water - the source of life, which is necessary for human survival, as well as for all creatures that exist on earth.
Olson focuses on life within the oceans and rivers, by depicting the magic of the worlds underneath. In this unique environment there are fish, whales, shellfish, sea horses, jellyfish and amoebae all living together. She finds herself extremely attracted to cuttlefishes with their electric eyes and camouflaged skin. Another subject that fascinates her is the actual color of water, which at any given time can appear different.
The artist's creative style employs the dripping, dropping and pouring of paints, from all directions, onto a white canvas, using various shades of blue paints and diluted inks to create her underwater atmosphere. The application of layer upon layer of these different mediums attempts to replicate the nature of the many environments below the surface of any body of water.
Olson's work will be on view through the month of June. Please join us next Wednesday, June 12, between 5 and 7pm for the reception of "Water is Our Life."
N.A.W.A. Gallery, 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1405 NYC
Gallery Hours: Tues - Fri, 10am - 5pm
Posted by: A. Kopp