Illuminate: Design in Light

Cybele Maylone
Mar 13, 2014 9:15PM

Opening reception: April 2, 6-8pm

With work by: Jeff Zimmerman, Thaddeus Wolfe, furthurdesign, Bec Brittain, Lindsey Adelman, Mary Wallis, Rich Brilliant WillingSebastian Errazuriz, and Jason Miller.

This exhibition looks at the many ways in which New York City designers use glass in their lighting. In these pieces, glass is an essential component of the design: creating form in curves and angles; modulating and reflecting light; and referencing its history as an agent of illumination, from Venetian chandeliers to neon signs. "The designers in this exhibition have taken lighting far beyond its function of illumination," says curator Jennifer Scanlan. "These are really works of art, that use light as one of their materials."

On view through May 31, 2014

Cybele Maylone