Robert Indiana



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“I’d like to cover the world with hope,” said Robert Indiana, the artist whose iconic “LOVE” series became a global symbol of unity during the turmoil of the 1960s. In 2008, Indiana felt the world was ready for a new message, and designed “HOPE” for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. “I wanted to help name and empower the next generation and I felt that HOPE encompassed the needs of our time,” he said. With its forward-leaning O, “HOPE” symbolizes perseverance, and pushing ahead toward a brighter future. To coincide with the artist’s 86th birthday, the first annual “International Hope Day” launched on September 13, 2014 and included the public display of Indiana’s “HOPE” sculptures in countries around the world, including the United States, Italy, Venezuela, and Germany.

154 Artworks
154 Artworks: