Art Keeps Nonprofits Going II: Benefit Auction 2020

Months after the outbreak of COVID-19, the physical artworld has been put indefinitely on pause, shifting organizations, exhibitions, fairs, and auctions online. Artists, galleries, and non-profits have responded to the moment and created innovative ways to keep the world connected to and moved by art. Art has kept going, and it keeps us going.

To support the important work of multiple museums, institutions, and non-profit organizations, Artsy is honored to host a curated benefit auction as a part of the Art Keeps Going campaign, which aims to unite the art world and art industry at large in response to COVID-19. Art Keeps Nonprofits Going II: Benefit Auction 2020 is the second iteration of fundraising efforts to support some of the art industry’s top institutions and artists through this fantastic collection of works.

Bidding on the auction is open exclusively on Artsy and will close on June 30th at 4:00pm EDT.