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ALARCÓN CRIADO was founded in Seville in 2002. The gallery has an extensive portfolio prioritizing curatorial projects based on the development of new artistic languages that aim to highlight artistic approaches addressing the models of contemporary thought and society.
ALARCÓN CRIADO was founded in Seville in October 2002. The gallery has an extensive portfolio prioritizing curatorial projects and proposals based on the development of new artistic languages with the aim to highlight artistic approaches that address the models of contemporary thought and society. The gallery focuses on international artists in the midst of their career, placing emphasis on the context of Latin America and eastern European countries. The gallery also represents a remarkable group of Spanish artists. ALARCÓN CRIADO regularly attends international art fairs such as ARCO Madrid, UNTITLED Miami, PARIS PHOTO, ARCO Lisboa or ARTBO Bogota. The artists represented are featured in prestigious public collections and have been exhibited in major museums around the world.