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Nel 1991 Bruno Fusato acquistò una fabbrica in disuso sull’isola di Murano, la ristrutturò e iniziò le attività di produzione, esposizione e vendita di opere d’arte in vetro, capolavori artigianali progettati dai custodi più rinomati di questa antica arte.
Bruno Fusato Signoretti, created our company from the past but with an eye to the future, a philosophy of life and boundless love for the deep traditions of the Serenissima Republic, a culture born among the canals that emerges from the fog of the past like a dream. Born in Venice on December 30, 1939, Bruno Fusato Signoretti was soon known and appreciated as a landmark in the tourism industry, demonstrating uncommon entrepreneurial skills. He opened stores in London, eventually founding a glassworks himself. In 1991 Bruno Fusato bought a factory and began the business of producing, displaying and selling glass artworks, handcrafted masterpieces designed by the most renowned custodians of this ancient art.
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