Cavin-Morris Gallery
New York
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Cavin-Morris Gallery specializes in Outsider or Non-Mainstream art. Additionally, we show a selection of tribal art from all major regions of the world, and also concentrate on both functional and non-functional contemporary ceramics.
Cavin-Morris Gallery has been exhibiting artists from around the world for 30 years. We specialize in the work of self-taught artists who make art independently of the art world canon. We represent past and new generations of self-taught artists whose work remains authentic and visionary.
We show an eclectic selection of tribal art from all the major regions of the world, especially focusing on the arts of masking.
We also concentrate on both functional and non-functional contemporary ceramics. We are especially interested in the way certain ceramists push the envelope in their expression of traditional forms and cultures.
The common thread that connects all this art is its uniqueness, its integrity and authenticity, and its reflection of cultural homeground.