Fiidaa Art

Fiidaa Art

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Born out of a passion for art and a desire to bring it closer to people, Fiidaa Art incorporated in 2006. Today we work with hundreds of established and emerging artists from more than 30 countries, offering a broad spectrum of art covering all mediums to our clientele.
Born out of a passion for art and a desire to bring it closer to people, Fiidaa Art incorporated in 2006. Today we work with hundreds of established and emerging artists from more than 30 countries, offering a broad spectrum of art covering all mediums to our clientele. Fiidaa Art features a stunning and specially curated selection of artworks readily available for online purchase to art lovers and art collectors. We deal directly with all our artists thereby ensuring genuineness and provide a certificate of authenticity for each artwork purchased from us. Based in Singapore and operating throughout South East Asia, Fiidaa Art is an art consultancy that sources, curates, commissions and installs artworks that reflect your personal or your company’s values.