Fisheye Gallery
Paris • France
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Opened in October 2016, the Fisheye Gallery is located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris in a space exclusively dedicated to photography, a stone’s throw from the Saint- Martin Canal. With a second 200 m2 space in Arles the gallery.
Opened in October 2016, Fisheye Gallery is located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, in a space exclusively dedicated to contemporary photography, a stone's throw from the Canal Saint-Martin. With a second 200 m² space opened in Arles, the gallery is proud to represent artists with diverse writing styles. As a young gallery, Fisheye Gallery aims to stand out from the crowd by offering an uninhibited programme of emerging international photography.
It assumes its role as a trailblazer for new photographic writing at major European fairs, as well as in front of public institutions and those involved in photography.