Galerie Makowski
Paris • new york • shenzhen • Beijing • zhuhai • wuhan
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We focus on international and contemporary artworks from the fields of painting, graphics, photography and sculpture. The works we exhibit are partly from established artists, but also from new talents which have their roots all over the world.
The focus of the Berlin Gallery Makowski lies on international and modern art pieces from various areas like paintings, graphics, photography and sculptures. The pieces, which we exhibit, stem on the one hand from established artists, but on the other hand also from new talents. It is a big goal of us to discover young artists in order to provide a platform for them to showcase their diversity and uniqueness. The different art pieces are presented at various vernissages which are organized through us. Next to organizing vernissages at our venue, there is also a strong focus on being represented at diverse and various art fairs all around the word. This international focus enables us to not only keep discovering new artists, but to also push our discovered artists in the best way possible.