Guarisco Gallery

Guarisco Gallery

Mclean  •  Washington  •  West Palm Beach
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One of the largest 19th and 20h century galleries worldwide. Over 400 paintings, sculptures and watercolors. Collections include 19th century Academic, Impressionism/Post-Impressionism, Early Modern and Contemporary.
For over three decades, Guarisco Gallery has specialized in museum-quality 19th- and early 20th-century European and American paintings and sculpture. Opened in 1981 and adjacent to The Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown in Washington, D.C. Guarisco Gallery’s collection of artwork has now expanded to include contemporary paintings and sculpture which complement the gallery’s important historical works of art. Guarisco Gallery maintains and recommends only top-ranked works of art. Major schools represented: 19th-century Academic, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Early Modern and Contemporary.
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