√K Contemporary
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Inspired by the notion that new art generates from years of refinement, √K Contemporary (Root K Contemporary) aims to create a place where one can experience art at its fullest.
For the past decade, the advancement of the Japanese art market has been the core ambition of √K Contemporary founders and Japanese art experts, Shigeyoshi & Ichiko Kashima.
Inspired by the notion that new art generates from years of refinement, √K Contemporary (Root K Contemporary) aims to create a place where one can experience art at its fullest. A 300sqm, 4F space in the heart of Tokyo, √K Contemporary is one of the largest galleries in the city. As respected Japanese calligraphy and old painting specialists, the founders' experience with antiquity gives their modern and contemporary exhibitions a sense of originality and sophistication. Designed by the founders, the gallery's timeless aesthetic aims to present works at their purest, free from socially established notions of space.