Ponder Gallery
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Ponder Art Gallery is located in Chicago, Il in the Cornelia Arts Building. Diane is currently featured in exhibitions online based in New York and London.
Featuring artists Diane Ponder and Sandra Perlow’s drawings.
Art is for life. Life in the community. The art world is part memory and our interpretation of dreams, part experience of now.
Showing the artworks extends and illuminates community history. Public intersection of the artist and community with the rest of the world. Bringing light to the beauty of the space and the people in it.
Ponder gallery was originally named Living Room Gallery. Comfortable sense of place and performance was paramount. Then it was moved to the Casket Gallery. Discomfort social critique commercialized with a bit of humor and satire.
Currently located in the Cornelia Arts Building in Chicago, and featuring in shows originated in London and New York.