Stephanie's Art Gallery
La Canada
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Over the past 28 years, Stephanie’s Gallery, Inc. has been involved in the business of fine art. We help individuals, businesses and foundations around the world to help build their collection of unique contemporary art and Important 19th & 20th Century American & European paintings.
We maintain a close relationship with our clients as their collections develop and expand.
Visit our site regularly to stay informed of our upcoming exhibitions, and feel free to ask questions and send us your comments.
Whether you are a new or an experienced collector, or simply an art lover, you will always be welcome at Stephanie’s Gallery, INC.
Over the past 28 years, Stephanie’s Gallery, Inc. has been involved in the business of fine art. We help individuals, businesses and foundations around the world to help build their collection of unique contemporary art and Important 19th & 20th Century American & European paintings.
We maintain a close relationship with our clients as their collections develop and expand.
Visit our site regularly to stay informed of our upcoming exhibitions, and feel free to ask questions and send us your comments.
Whether you are a new or an experienced collector, or simply an art lover, you will always be welcome at Stephanie’s Gallery, INC.