Tang Feng Gallery

Tang Feng Gallery

Miaoli County  •  Taipei City  •  Edinburgh  •  New Taipei City
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The Tang Feng Art Center, established in 2014, is rooted in the rich cultural heritage of Miaoli, Taiwan. Its mission is to promote Taiwanese artists internationally and connect with the global contemporary art scene.
唐豐藝術中心,成立於2014年,根基於藝文底蘊深厚的台灣苗栗。以推廣台灣藝術家至國際,並連結全球當代藝術為己任,除積極將台灣藝術家作品於世界各地推廣,更友情協助各國藝術家在臺灣的演出及展覽。 唐豐藝術中心近年在國際間的耕耘,受到世界各地的肯定。2017年,獲杜拜世界藝術博覽會(World Art Dubai)大會頒予十大國際優良畫廊之一的殊榮。2018年,身為首次且唯一的台灣參展畫廊,在舊金山攝影藝術博覽會(PHOTOFAIRS San Francisco)也獲得大量媒體報導及稱譽。 唐豐藝術中心,從事公益活動,不遺餘力。每年帶著台灣藝術家至第三世界國家,除捐贈物資外,並在當地貧民區舉辦藝術工作坊,期盼能運用藝術的力量,將希望的種子播下。至今足跡已踏及尼泊爾及烏干達等國。 The Tang Feng Gallery, established in 2014, is rooted in the rich cultural heritage of Miaoli, Taiwan. Its mission is to promote Taiwanese artists internationally and connect with the global contemporary art scene. In addition to actively promoting the works of Taiwanese artists worldwide, the gallery also extends friendly assistance to artists from other countries for performances and exhibitions in Taiwan.
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