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With 1800+ works by 400+ emerging & established artists, nearly 50 collected in-depth, the collection has strong emphasis on art that address issues of identity, social commentary and injustice, and explorations on appropriation, painting, photography, sculpture and film.
With over 1800 works by more than 400 emerging and established artists, nearly fifty of which are collected in-depth, the collection has strong emphasis on art that address issues of identity, social commentary and injustice, and explorations on appropriation, painting, photography, sculpture and film. Works from the collection are presented at the Rennie Museum in the Wing Sang Building, the oldest structure in Vancouver Chinatown. Free admission to the temporary exhibitions throughout the year is through guided tours. Corresponding education and public programs, including a speaker series with visiting artists and curators, are also available at no charge to the public. Publications accompanying the exhibitions contribute to scholarship both locally and internationally.
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