The dualistic nature of being is something we are born into. From the moment we are delivered in to this material world we struggle to see ourselves as anything but separate from all that we perceive. So if conflict is inherent in the act of comparison, how does one look out at the world and find harmony? Is it even necessary? It’s something our artists, philosophers, authors and poets have …
The dualistic nature of being is something we are born into. From the moment we are delivered in to this material world we struggle to see ourselves as anything but separate from all that we perceive. So if conflict is inherent in the act of comparison, how does one look out at the world and find harmony? Is it even necessary? It’s something our artists, philosophers, authors and poets have contemplated through the ages.
DUAL DUEL is an amazing group show of over 20 artists that were asked to pick an artist of their choosing to collaborate (or combat) with on a work of art. Some artists …